The Weavers Guild of Springfield

PO Box 2605
Springfield, Massachusetts 01101-2605

Study Groups

2015-2016 STUDY GROUP


This year's study group activities began at the September meeting with an overview by group leader Laura Freeman. We reviewed the basics of the weave, distributed study group materials, and looked at some examples.

Briefly, color-and-weave refers to a pattern effect that viewers perceive as a result of the combination of a weave structure (the way the warp and weft interlace, as in plain weave, twill, etc.) and the sequence of light and dark or contrasting colored warp and weft threads. 

Members used the information from lectures given to the Guild by Carol Birtwistle and, in the more recent past, Deb Palmer to learn more about color-and-weave. Study group participants were asked to weave a sample using one of the drafts in Carol Birtwistle's handout and bring it to the November meeting.

In April, study group participants talked about what they learned and showed off their completed work based on their ideas about color-and-weave. Click here to see some of our completed projects.

Copyright © 2005-2010 | The Weavers Guild of Springfield | Springfield, Massachusetts 01101-2605
Question or comments? Contact | Last Updated May 4, 2016