The Weavers Guild of Springfield

PO Box 2605
Springfield, Massachusetts 01101-2605

Study Groups

2009-2010 STUDY GROUP


Study group activities will begin at the September meeting, with Pam Engberg giving an introduction to plain weave and the many faces of this weave structure. 

Study group participants will be asked to weave an article of their choice using plain weave, with no restrictions on the size of the finished piece, the fiber to be used, or finishing.

Participants will also be expected to weave samples to exchange with other study group members, and to provide a copy of the pattern and drawdown, plus the source of the pattern if not original, on a draft sheet with each sample. An extra sample should be woven for the Guild Library.

The total number of samples each participant is required to provide will be discussed at the September meeting.

There will be additional time to discuss plans, ask questions, and review plain weave at the November meeting.

Finished items will be shown at the April meeting and samples will be exchanged at this time.

Copyright © 2005-2010 | The Weavers Guild of Springfield | Springfield, Massachusetts 01101-2605
Question or comments? Contact | Last Updated September 5, 2014