The Weavers Guild of Springfield

PO Box 2605
Springfield, Massachusetts 01101-2605

Study Groups

2007-2008 STUDY GROUP


This year's study group project focuses on the many facets of shadow weave. The group will be led by Pam Engberg.

Study group activities begin at the October 13th meeting with Pam's introduction to shadow weave.  Participants should plan to bring their first sample to the second session on November 3rd.

If you would like to wind a warp in advance:

  1. Select two yarns of highly contrasting color (ex. navy and white).

  2. To make it easier on yourself and your eyes, choose a reasonably thick yarn such as rayon chenille from WEBS, 3/2 or 5/2 cotton, or a nice wool.

  3. Sett it for plain weave.

  4. Plan a length that will be adequate for two samples. A six-inch wide by six-inch long experiment is fine for each class; more is OK if you want, but that's the minimum.

    These samples are for you only. We're going to do a pattern using the Atwater system first, then re-thread for the Powell system.

The final shadow group session won't take place until February 2nd, so you'll have time to get exotic then.

After you've woven the short samples for the Atwater and Powell systems, you can use whichever system you like best to create (or weave from a book) another design.

In February, we'll talk about variations such as different options for "contrast", different setts, color mixing, etc.

Your final project and samples should be completed by the May meeting.

So relax, no worries, this will be fun. If anyone needs to miss a
session, let Pam know so she can send you the handouts.

Copyright © 2017 | The Weavers Guild of Springfield | Last updated June 9, 2008
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